There is a near constant debate over iPhones or Android; which has better apps, which has better stability and which is better for the business environment. It’s endless and quite likely to continue for the foreseeable future. Many smartphone users have their preference; it takes a lot to sway it. Apple has recently released the sixth version of the iPhone, the iPhone 5, and some Android users may be tempted to switch platforms.
If you are contemplating jumping the Android ship for the good-ship Apple, here’s how you can do so.
Move those Contacts
Android is Google, Google is Android. This means that you’re contacts are most likely deeply ingrained in the Googleplex, aka your Google/Gmail account. If they aren’t, they live on your Android device’s internal memory.
The easiest way to migrate your Contacts over from your Android device to your iPhone is by syncing your Contacts with your Google Account.
After your Contacts have synced with your Google account:
Move important media
If you’re like most smartphone users, you probably have a wealth of important media on your phone, and would like to transfer it over. You have a few different options at your disposal to ensure this happens.
The first option is to manually transfer it by plugging your Android phone into your computer using a USB cable and physically copying the files off your device’s hard drive onto your computer. After that, plug in your iPhone and sync via iTunes, selecting what files to sync.
The second option is to sync your pictures and videos with Google. Follow the above instructions for your Contacts, and also ensure that Instant Upload has a checkmark beside it. Your photos and videos will be uploaded to Google+ and also viewable on Picassa. They can then be accessed by the related apps on your iPhone.
The third option is to use a mutual-third-party cloud app like Dropbox. When you install Dropbox on your Android, you will be asked if you want to sync your photos and movies. Agree to the terms and your photos will be uploaded. Just be sure to be connected to Wi-Fi, as it will be quite bandwidth intensive. After your files are synced, install Dropbox on your iPhone and all your pictures will be available.
What about my apps?
As you may well know, Apple has a ton of apps available for you to download, most at a fairly decent cost. The good news is, almost all popular Android apps are also available for iPhone. The bad news is, you will likely have to pay to re-download them. You could try contacting customer services at the app developers and asking if they will drop the charge for buying an app you already own, but don’t get your hopes up.
This should cover the majority of your migration, so have fun and enjoy your new iPhone. If you have any questions, please contact us, we are here to help.