
Are remote workers productive?

Date: 12 Mar 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Technology has reached a point where you don't necessarily have to be in the office in order to work. Many companies have remote employees and have had success with this idea. With the right hires, and defined roles, many telecommuters are just as productive as their office-bound contemporaries. However, one big company doesn't agree. In late February, an internal memo from Yahoo was leaked. The m

Boomerang makes calendars better

Date: 07 Feb 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

A common trend of office software developers - those who make programs that allow users to create documents, spreadsheets, etc. - is to focus on tools that make the user more productive. Two such tools are email and the calendar, both of which are heavily used by nearly all business owners and employees. The problem is, for Google users at least, that the calendar is separate from email which is a

Productivity key to work-life balance

Date: 09 Jan 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

While being an entrepreneur can be a rewarding experience, it's also a time consuming one. Work-life balance to many business owners is non-existent because they spend all of their time focusing on so many different aspects of their business. An entrepreneur's attention is often pulled in 100 different directions at once, which often leads to poor productivity and a non existent work-life balance.

Looking for new tech? What kind to get?

Date: 13 Dec 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

When it comes to technology, nothing is better than a new computer or system. The problem many small businesses face is that they often can't afford new tech, and normally wait to replace items. The end of the year, and first few months of the new one is historically the best time to purchase new technology, especially tech that depreciates in value quickly. An issue faced by many owners is that

When to use To, BCC and CC

Date: 30 Nov 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Writing letters are so last century. Can you remember the last time you actually wrote a letter using pen and paper? For many of us, that would be a very long time ago. We've switched almost exclusively to email, and for many this has lead to a communication revolution. While email is fairly simple, there are some finer points that many users fail to master, including the To; CC and BCC field. Bel

Is technology killing productivity?

Date: 15 Nov 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

The word ‘instant’ can be defined as happening immediately, and is a catchword of the modern world, all around us, from instant rice to instant noodles and instant printing, the list goes on. This concept, while not new, has arguably been taken to extremes thanks to the abundance of technology. This is a two-faced issue, for while it's great to see the results of the latest election without de

Optimal productivity of remote employees

Date: 13 Sep 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Productivity of your employees can be a hard enough thing to manage and encourage when your employees work in the same office as you, let alone employees who work remotely. While it’s a dream for many to work remotely from home, very few employees find they can pull it off. For those that do, bosses need to ensure that they’re as productive as onsite employees. Here’s five tips on how you c

Webinars explained-part two

Date: 21 Aug 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Webinars are a great way to reach out and connect with customers, while at the same time building or solidifying your brand. In last month’s productivity article we discussed what webinars are and how they can help your company. This month we’re going a little deeper and examining what makes a successful webinar. This week we present to you six steps to planning a successful webinar. 1. Is

Webinars explained. Part one

Date: 12 Jul 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Seminars and presentations are a great way to share your knowledge and experiences with peers and customers. The major problem with them is that people have to travel to attend them, limiting the number of attendees and the strength of your message. To reach a bigger audience, turn to technology and conduct a webinar. Webinars are an interesting topic, and a great way to boost your business. Beca

Make your inbox work for you

Date: 15 Jun 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Look at your emails, how many do you have that require your immediate attention? If you answered zero, you should be commended. If you answered too many to count, you’re among the majority. While it would be nice to reach and maintain the near mythical zero, you should first aim to ensure that your inbox is organized so you can leverage it to increase your productivity. Here are four tips on h