Business Value

More to social media value than meets the eye

Date: 21 Jan 2016 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

When it comes to social media, figuring just what, if any, value it offers your business can be complicated. There is no exact science when it comes to figuring it out and even experts disagree as to just what is and is not important when measuring the value of your company's social media. The reality is that there is no tried and true method to solving this enigma, but we will offer you some advi

The link between big data and profit

Date: 25 Dec 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Big data. You may have heard of it; after all it’s been putting in an appearance at boardroom meetings across the globe for some time now. But what actually is big data? And what does it mean when applied in a business environment? More importantly, what can it do and how can it help your organization to succeed? And getting down to the nitty-gritty, does the term big data actually mean anythin

How to use data to add business value

Date: 23 Dec 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Are you making the most of one of your business’s greatest assets? Along with your loyal customers, your team of enthusiastic and hardworking staff, and your tastefully decorated store or office, there is an all-too-often-unsung hero just waiting to help you take your business to the next level: your data. You’ve probably read articles extolling the virtues of data mining, but just how does a

Tips to add value to your blog

Date: 23 Nov 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

When listing your company’s assets, your blog probably doesn’t make the cut. Many businesses tend to ignore blogging - which is a real mistake these days. By putting time and resources into your blog, your can transform it from just another webpage to one of the most valuable things to your company’s growth. We’ve complied our own list of things you can do to make that happen. We’re not

7 SEO mistakes you need to avoid

Date: 12 Oct 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a complex subject that is constantly on the move, with major search engines always refining the algorithms that determine how to rank websites. That’s why it’s so easy for businesses to make a blunder based on common misconceptions. If you’re looking to create a solid SEO strategy, we’ve highlighted some of the common mistakes below to help you get star

IT can help or hurt your business value

Date: 07 Sep 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Have you ever wondered what value IT is adding to your company? Chances are you’re not alone. Figuring out what, if anything, IT is doing to increase the value of your business can offer helpful insight. The main reason companies struggle to find what IT is adding or subtracting from their business is the fact that they don’t know what to look for. Here are a few things you can do to figure ou

Using technology to boost staff efficiency

Date: 28 Jul 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Businesses that are winning in today’s marketplace are the ones that make technology work for them, not the other way round. When used correctly, technology can make every task much faster to execute, from communicating with customers to sending messages, gathering information, and more. So if you’re looking to increase staff efficiency, consider the following methods to implement technology i

Effective tips to market your business

Date: 01 Jul 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

As a small or medium-sized business owner, breaking into the market and trying to encourage people to buy your products or services can be a daunting task, because you’ll have to compete with all the big names out there. That’s where online marketing comes in. If implemented properly, you will be able to cost-effectively attract new customers. But if you jump in without a plan, you may end up

SEO 101: Building an online presence

Date: 02 Jun 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Over the past few years, technology has taken the business world by storm. With so many people using search engines to find answers, products, and local service providers, you really are missing out if you’ve failed to establish a business website. As more and more business owners jump into the website game, the scramble for the search engines’ prime spots becomes more fiercer than ever. But

5 IT investment blunders to avoid

Date: 25 May 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Being a business owner, you know more than anyone that making mistakes is natural and that you have to be willing to fail if you want to succeed. You also know you can accomplish more - and more quickly - if you can learn from the mistakes of others before making the same missteps on your own. This philosophy applies to many areas of business and life, but did you know that it also applies to IT?