
Productivity 101: What to do in a power outage

Date: 06 May 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

When it comes to working in the office, a lot of things can hamper your productivity. Some of them are easy to deal with, such as redundant email checking and social media updates, while others are more difficult to handle, such as sudden power outages. The latter can be a real productivity killer, especially if your company relies heavily on Internet connectivity to perform day-to-day operations

5 habits that are productivity killers

Date: 22 Apr 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

In today’s world of ever-changing technology, information overload and endless to do lists, it can seem hard to keep up. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to just get more done? While there’ll likely always be tasks to accomplish and something to do, there are certainly things you can change to boost productivity. And that starts with identifying bad habits. Here are five of them you

Don’t let technology hurt your productivity

Date: 08 Apr 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Love it or hate it, technology isn’t going away. The world is evolving by the day and, with it, so is tech. The fact of the matter is that if you’re not incorporating new technology into your business, your competition is going to gain an edge over you. And with so many apps, updates, hardware and more being released by the day, how do you know which technology actually boosts your businessâ€ helps make your meetings productive

Date: 25 Mar 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Too many of us associate corporate meetings with long, dull sessions that lack focus, go round and round in circles and end up not reaching the concrete conclusions we need from them. In fact, many of these meetings probably don’t even need to be held in the first place, and certainly plenty of us would rather be at our desks getting on with our jobs than sat in energy-devoid boardrooms. But the

Make your email subjects more productive

Date: 03 Mar 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Email is not your job. Repeat: email is not your job. Too many of us spend our days slaving over our inboxes, while our real jobs get neglected and we sacrifice the opportunity to be truly productive. But there is a solution, and it starts not with the message itself but with the subject line. By keeping your email subject lines short, focused and consistently structured, both you and your recipie

Tablet tips for greater productivity

Date: 17 Feb 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Think your tablet is only useful for your favorite Youtube videos, social media updates, or handheld gaming? Think again. Since their introduction, tablets have been synonymous with entertainment but, when properly incorporated into your business, they can boost productivity and help your business thrive. For SMBs, adapting tablets into your work environment can even open up new business opportun

4 ways to boost productivity with technology

Date: 30 Jan 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Does it seem like everyday another PC breaks down or your IT contractor interrupts you with questions about your software budget? In today’s world, technology shouldn’t be slowing down your business, it should be speeding it up. If it’s not helping you, it’s time to admit you have a problem before your employees organize an intervention. Here are four ideas on how technology can blast you

Using the PAR structure in emails

Date: 12 Dec 2014 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Email is now the most essential form of communication in business. Over the years, email has become much more informal than when it was first introduced. Sure, this makes it feel more natural, but there can be times when this casual style leads to misunderstanding, and in turn this can lead to lost productivity. There is, however, one effective way you can structure important emails to avoid this,

Save time by pre-drafting emails

Date: 12 Nov 2014 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

As a business owner or manager, you likely send out a large number of emails each day. A certain percentage of your emails are probably sent to other colleagues, with the idea that they then create a message to send to a third party on your behalf. One way to ensure that the message gets through, while avoiding too much back and forth communication between you and your colleague, is to pre-draft t

IMAP or POP email protocols?

Date: 16 Oct 2014 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Email is an essential tool for a business's productivity. While there are a wide variety of email programs out there, almost all of them rely on one of two major protocols: POP or IMAP. As a business owner, it would be a good idea to know what these protocols are and which of the two is better for your business. Difference between POP and IMAP POP, or Post Office Protocol, was first developed in